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R:ILPERSONA Episode 6.16: "A Boy Named Uriel" Part 1 is out!

It's that time again everyone! R:ILPERSONA Episode 6.16 is now out! Click the link to read this week's installment. We're down to our last 6 weeks for this storyline, and trust me there's lots of action and twists ahead. 

If you're on the east coast of the US and had to deal with this blizzard, I hope everyone stayed safe and warm. If you aren't over here, lucky you lol. I managed to pass the time working on more future R:ILPERSONA content (along with a new series I'm working on for the future, can't wait to show you all) and playing Nier: Automata, a really fun and interesting new RPG from Square Enix. 

Til next week,

-Starlight City Pro

  • March 15, 2017
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