Hey everyone! Welcome back for another weekly installment of R:ILPERSONA! Episode 6.3 is now out, click here to check it out!
I just wanted to once again thank the many, many readers that check out ilpersona.com every day, especially on Wednesdays when we see our biggest influx of returning and new visitors! You can rest assured that each week we've got some fun content always coming your way.
Also, keep on the lookout for our new website layout coming in the new year. The website will have an updated look, and the way you guys read R:ILPERSONA will become a lot more mobile friendly, since at least 52% of our daily readers visit us on smartphones and tablets. Don't worry, even if you use a desktop or laptop, your reading experience will still be fine, but we'll be changing the format a bit so each episode is read in a more vertical manner. You'll see what I mean very soon.
Til next week,
-Starlight City Pro
- December 14, 2016