Hey everyone!
It's June, and that marks the beginning of our 2nd Anniversary of publishing R:ILPERSONA here on ilpersona.com! Our official anniversary date isn't until June 24th, but we're celebrating all month long? How? We've got an exclusive give away contest going on starting now!
First of all, you might as well head over into our webcomic section and read this week's episode....I hope you're enjoying or are intrigued by our flashback story featuring Uriel and his twin sister Muriel (who first appeared in Episode 5.6), this storyline is laying the groundwork for a lot of what you guys will see in the future as we continue along.
Okay. About the contest:
To thank you, our many readers, we're giving away three awesome prizes to three lucky winners, all you have to do is enter for a chance to win!
Our 1st randomly selected winner will receive the option to pick one of the following:
1) The Complete R:ILPERSONA Trade Paperback Collection, featuring R:ILPERSONA Volume 1, along with Episodes 3, 4, 5, 6 AND Side Story Saga 1 all in print format, signed by the author and creator of the series!
2) A $25 Gift Card for Either Amazon or Fandango!
Our two runners up will receive free digital copies of R:ILPERSONA Volume 1, along with Episodes 3, 4, 5, 6 and Side Story Saga 1!
So, why not click here to enter? Also, if you share our page with your friends via the contest widget, you earn extra chances to win!
Good luck to everyone. Also, if you follow us on our Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts, you're going to see a gradual change over the next few months as we convert our R:ILPERSONA accounts into social media hubs for our self publishing imprint, Starlight City Entertainment, because:
...we've got our 2nd series, an all new graphic novel series for readers 12/13 and up (including older readers, it's for everyone) in production as we speak.
Til Next Week,
-Starlight City Pro
- June 07, 2017