It's that time of the week again everyone, the latest installment of R:ILPERSONA is now out! As always, thank ALL of you guys/gals for reading our story every week, and welcome to all of our newest readers!
We're going to be doing some website updates over the coming weeks or so as we get prepared for the start of the 7th chapter of our series, including a revamped (yes, again lol) series databook. We're going to go for a semi wiki style approach to the databook, with more expanded character bios and also sections on such things as Ether-Types, BIOARMORs, and other aspects that we've shown you thus far in the world of R:ILPERSONA. We'll also be updating our homepage video (only available on desktop) intro to reflect the start of the new storyline, beginning on April 26th 2017!
Til next week...
-Starlight City Pro, author of R:ILPERSONA
- March 29, 2017